Kelowna's Sign Professionals for Over 35 Years

Prosign is a full-service, family owned and operated commercial sign company, located in Kelowna, British Columbia, offering:
Illuminated signs
Channel letters
Pylons and cabinets
Large format digital printing
Design services
Banners and stands
Office signage
Wayfinding, directories, feature wall signs
Sign installation and servicing
Permitting and consulting services
...and much more.
If you are looking for examples of specific types of signs, please go to our "Portfolio" page and select the type of sign that interests you. You can then scroll through a variety of examples.
We look forward to working with you to satisfy your signage needs and budget!
Prosign Historical Piece from 1999

How some things have changed. Doug retired and has even less hair, Jeff, in the background, didn't get a mention but is now the GM, but Terry hasn't changed a bit!

439 Banks Rd. Kelowna, BC | email: | Ph. 250-763-1954